
What's Long-Term Care?
Understanding the Problem
The good news is we are living longer than ever. Over the last 50 years, life expectancy has increased steadily.
We are likely to live a long healthy life; medical advances will continue to increase and improve our lifespan.
But, the longer you live, the greater are your chances of needing care.
The older we get, increases the likelihood of becoming frail, injured or sick. If this happens, won’t we need care?
Who will pay for that care? Who will provide it? How can you create a sound inclusive process to protect your family?
What is Long-Term Care?
Long Term Care refers to assistance with the very basic, everyday activities that most of us can do for ourselves.
We call them ADLs or Activities of Daily Living. As a result of illness, injury or advanced age, many people need assistance in order to eat or dress or bathe.
The need for long term care may also result because a person has cognitive impairment. Some people need supervision or reminders to accomplish every day activities, such as using the toilet, eating, bathing, dressing, and so forth.
The goal is to maximize independence and self-sufficiency providing choice and control.
Will I Need Long-Term Care?
Of people who turn 65 in 2005
LTC need:
1 year or less
1-2 years
2-5 years
More than 5 years
SOURCE: Kemper, Komisar & Alecxih 2005/2006. | Health Policy Institute, Georgetown University
"Wisdom is knowing what to do next,
skill is knowing how to do it,
and virtue is doing it."
- David Starr Jordan -
Activities of Daily Living (ADL's)
Most people read about ADL's (activities of daily living) but still can't relate to the definitions.
Here is a simple explanation that everyone could relate to: the things we normally perform for self-care (such as feeding ourselves, bathing, dressing, grooming), work, homemaking, and leisure.
We call those things the activities of daily living. ADLs are a good measurement of the functional status of a person. This measurement is useful to evaluate what type of health care services an individual may need.
What Does Long-Term Care Mean to Me?
A lot of people today equate long term care with frail elderly people unable to take care of themselves. In reality it can also address chronic, disabling, typically not curable conditions, not things that would normally shorten life expectancy.
Some examples would be severe arthritis, dementia, Alzheimer’s, strokes, diabetes or degenerative conditions such as osteoporosis
Long-term care services may be necessary at any age. An older adult might gradually find that day-to-day living is becoming increasingly difficult without help, Someone younger may have a heart attack, a stroke, a disabling accident or develop a serious chronic illness such as Parkinson's Disease.
Long-term care services are generally custodial and personal in nature but, in some cases, may be rehabilitative.
Percentage of Individuals Receiving Extended Care By Age
57 %
40 %
3 %
Adults 65 +
Adults 18-64
Children Under 18
Many of us believe that this is for the elderly and only scrutinize the options when nearing retirement.
But considering that two out of five people receiving long term care are under the age of 65.
Long-term care insurance can hardly be classified as something that only the elderly use. For those who do need long-term care services, the consequences can be financially devastating. Finding a way to cover these costs can be challenging.
Custodial Care Versus Skilled Care
Custodial care and skilled care are terms used by the medical community and health care plans such as health insurance plans, Medicare, Medicaid and the Veterans Administration. They are used primarily to differentiate care provided by medical specialists as opposed to care provided by aides, volunteers, family or friends. The use of these terms and their application is important in determining whether a health care plan will pay for services or not. Generally, skilled services are paid for by a health care plan and custodial services, not in conjunction with skilled care, are not covered.
According to the American College of Medical Quality:
Skilled Care is the provision of services and supplies that can be given only by or under the supervision of skilled or licensed medical personnel. Skilled care is medically necessary when provided to improve the quality of health care of patients or to maintain or slow the decompensation of a patient's condition, including palliative treatment. Skilled care is prescribed for settings that have the capability to deliver such services safely and effectively.
Custodial Care is the provision of services and supplies that can be given safely and reasonably by individuals who are neither skilled nor licensed medical personnel.
It's All About Personal Care and Choice!
Someone with a physical illness or disability often needs hands-on help with activities of day to day living. People with cognitive impairments usually need supervision, protection, or verbal reminders to do everyday activities.
You may need these services for several months, years, or the rest of your life.
Is it possible to have a solution that allows family members to provide supervision and love without having to provide the very personal care that can be extremely embarrassing, very difficult and exceptionally time consuming to perform?
How do you enhance your ability to remain independent???
Who Should Consider Long Term Care Insurance?
Another way to look at Long Term Care Insurance is as "asset protection." Individuals need to have assets worth protecting in order to justify the purchase of a policy. (Medicaid (welfare) eventually pays for Long Term Care services once an individual becomes impoverished). In other words, if you are able to pay Long Term Care Insurance premiums without having to change your lifestyle – you should transfer that risk to the insurance company.
"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn."
- Benjamin Franklin -
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Due to the quickly evolving long term care market you need experienced professionals to provide accurate and up to date information. Our thorough knowledge of state and federal programs, tax advantaged options and complex benefit features allows us to simplify the process and provide concise educational information.