Well Thought Out Solutions

Coordinated Planning and Protection for Today's Professional
Professionals Have a Fiduciary Obligation to Discuss Long-Term Care Planning Options. In addition to the possibility of providing inaccurate advice or recommendations on long-term care insurance, professionals need also be aware of the risks associated with the professional liability of failing to address the subject of long-term care insurance altogether.
Journal of Financial Planning Article
As a trusted advisor, your clients often look to you for recommendations and referrals beyond the scope of your specific area of expertise. Executive LTC Services Professional Partnerships helps you to leverage the relationships that you have built, by expanding the range of services and solutions that you offer to clients.
“I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.”
- Thomas Jefferson -
Attorneys, Accountants, CPA’s
Our Estate Planning Organizer can greatly enhance your client satisfaction-the depth and detail of our tools allow you the quickly get the important information you need to draft more precise documents –increasing your bottom line and improving clients overall peace of mind.
Financial Advisor, Insurance Broker
With skills developed over many years our process entails advanced information gathering tools, with a clear understanding of client requirements we develop an action plan.
After our analysis, we will provide concrete written recommendations.
Actionable - Realistic - With Full Disclosure
Families are empowered to choose wisely, understanding the risks,
pitfalls and advantages of each choice.
Our process enables families to make the right choice with no regrets.
Our family centered approach makes it all easy.
We frequently have clients that would like to work with local professionals. We always want to hear from client centered professionals who always focus on quality solutions. Becoming a member of our team has great advantages.
Enhance Your Position Working With
True Specialists
Executive LTC Services understands what your reputation means and takes your referrals VERY seriously. We maintain the highest ethical standards and professional commitment .We want a long and prosperous relationship with you.
We provide ongoing training for all our partners and have the capabilities to offer CE, CPE, CLE class credits.
Contact Executive LTC Services Today, We will send you a general overview of LTCI, a Tax guide and information on how we can broaden the scope of services you can provide to your clients families.
Due to the quickly evolving market you need experienced professionals to provide accurate and up to date information.
Our thorough knowledge of state and federal programs, tax advantaged options and complex benefit features allow us to simplify the process and provide concise educational information.
The rules are changing; the scrutiny from the government is getting tighter. The need for protecting your client’s assets is real.
Executive LTC Services is staffed with exceptional consultants who undergo extensive and continuous training. Our first-class professional group is dedicated to consistently earning your trust and ensuring your success.
With our extensive experience Executive LTC Services can customize employee and individual benefits packages from among any of the insurance carriers in the country.
We are especially well positioned to broker benefits at an exceptional value for employers. Executive LTC Services focused and experienced team of specialists allow us to clearly communicate complex information to your staff and clients.
Our specialists provide a smoothly integrated process of plan implementation and ongoing support on a national level.

Executive LTC Services Corporate Solutions
Concerns for Today’s Businesses

Today challenges to your business comes fast and furiously
“The successful person makes a habit of doing what the failing person doesn't like to do.”
- Thomas Edison -
Why Employers Offer LTC
The awareness of Long Term Care insurance has increased greatly. Employers are encouraged by employees to offer long term care as an employee benefit. The reasons for this increase vary from personal experience with a long term care event or federal awareness campaigns that have targeted baby boomers.
Elder Care issues are expected to out number
child care issues in 2005
Long Term Care /Extended Care Costs American Business Plenty!!
Lost Productivity = Lost $$ Billions in productivity is
lost every year WHY??
Families make workplace adjustments
Hidden costs of not providing a Long Term Care Plan.
Because of their care-giving responsibilities.
Families find a way to honor their commitments!
• Decreased hours • Deal with crisis • Make up work on evenings/weekends • Telephone calls • Took leave of absence |
• Unexpected days off • Leave work early • Retired early • Late to work • Full to Part Time • Quit Job
In addition to the employee, coverage can be extended to spouses, parents, parents-in-law, step-parents, grandparents and grandparents-in-law of the employee.
The choice of who can be eligible is up to you?
(All family choices are voluntary and require no administration from the employer.)
Long Term Care is Easy to Offer
Flexibility to meet your business objectives
Purchasing tax-qualified Long-Term Care Insurance is good sense AND good business because:
- The premiums paid for tax-qualified LTC are tax deductible as a business expense.
- Employers can select the class of participants they wish to cover, as LTCi is not subject to non-discrimination rules.
- Premiums paid by employers are not taxable income to employees.
- Benefits received by policyholders when they need care are tax free.
- With generous federal tax benefits and credits available, it's affordable for businesses to help employees obtain coverage.
- Multiple benefit level options, costshare options, ability to choose the class of employee to offer benefits.
An executive carve out benefit for owners/partners
(Ability to fund a retirement benefit with
pre-tax dollars.)
LTCI is Easy
- Discounted Rates
- Favorable Tax Advantages
- Policyholder benefits non-taxable
- Flexible Plan Design / Voluntary options
- Streamlined enrollment / underwriting process
Proud Member - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance |
For a complimentary copy of Kiplinger’s Long Term Care DVD Click Here |

For instant access to a copy of “A Shoppers Guide too Long Term Care Insurance” Click Here
Personalized Feasibility Study With Comparison Quotes Click Here